Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Rock Fans Bemoan The Cousteau Living

From the I-remember-when-it-used-to-be-fields-around-here dept.: Reading always was something of a dive but this is ridiculous as my plans for the upcoming weekend remain fluid following severe flood warnings for the annual rock festival. Organisers are apparently warning that entry on site will only be permissable on production of a bronze swimming certificate and full scuba gear, as the car parking area has been submerged into the River Thames. JG Ballard and Maggie Gee have been drafted in as emergency MCs for the event, and Morrissey is believed to be relieved that his fans' flowers will get a good watering. Me, I'm only going in the hope that those White Stripes come out in the wash as Stingray fans and dress up in Troy Tempest and (Aqua) Marina costumes respectively.

Speaking of emerging from Berks with credit, happy birthday to dear Robyn.



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