Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Fu Fighters

'Thirteen corpses. Two breasts, though repeatedly. Shark Fu. Glock Fu. Gun shot wound to the neck. Gratuitous Q&A. Machete to the shoulder. Gunshot to the chest. Sunken boat. Intern Fu. Rock N Roll Detective Nominations for Willem Dafoe for saying "Now we're even." Gratuitous "Steve-sie" and "Kingsley" Pirate takeovers. Rock N Roll Detective Nomination for Jeff Goldblum for saying "Supposively, I'm gay", and "Is this my cappucino machine?", AND "It's an estimate." Looting. Pillaging. Hostage taking. Exploding hotel lobby. Harpoon Gun Fu. Animated Fish. Moustache Fu. Deliberate Pregnant Cate Blanchett. Pistol Whip to the head. Bond Company Stooge Fu. "I'm a Pepper" t-shirt. Rock N Roll Detective Nomination for Bill Murray, the first two time recipient, for saying "Tell them to get off my boat, or there's gonna be a shitstorm."'

People are starting to get really excited about The Life Aquatic, Wes Anderson's follow-up to The Royal Tenenbaums, due for release Xmas Day in the US.


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