Friday, May 14, 2004

The Linkdump Truck Prepares To Shed Its Load

The linkdump truck is not the most articulated of vehicles, but has spent many hours driving in circles, picking up linking detritus before unceremoniously dumping them in full (parallax) view. So CAUTION: STRANGE LINKS ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.

The Others, deserved winners of NME single of the week this week for their Poptones debut, played a gig at Brady's Bar in Shrewsbury last night. Didn't make it myself, but here's a rundown from those who did.

PV faves The Fiery Furnaces open up to The Guardian about their record collections.

Amy Dykes from I Am The World Trade Center has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Paul Schrader's Exorcist prequel, originally discarded by the film company for not being gory enough, is set to be released on DVD simultaneously with the version that replaced it.

The trailer for Halle Berry's upcoming Catwoman movie is now online.

Did David Lynch steal all his best ideas from Dennis Potter?

John Waters' new movie gets NC-17 rating. That's outrageous: everyone should be protected from seeing Tracey Ullman enjoying depraved sex, not just those pesky teenagers.

I know what you're thinking: just what *did* happen to Jez from Swervedriver? Glamorama provides the answer.

Soccer AM host and professional Torquay United fan Helen Chamberlain in Penthouse shoot (link NOT SAFE FOR WORK).

Between Planets is a useful gigs and release news aggregator.

Last month, PV described a Ted Mooney novel as the best brain-food we'd consumed since Mason & Dixon. So whaddayaknow, we came across Ted Mooney reviewing Pynchon's Mason & Dixon. Call the synchronicity police!

Hmm. But all that talk about the police makes the linkdump truck v. nervous as all this business of trawling the internetweb has left little time to renew the insurance, so it's time to head out of town and leave you in the capable hands of Assistant, a Brighton musician working in Chichester (has anyone told Graybo?) who started a blog to write about his band, but manages to digress in a diverting fashion.


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