Monday, January 30, 2006


Have been shamed into updating by people doing things like having babies and still managing to post more regularly than your Deadbeat Kenny. So before we go any further hearty congratulations to Graybo and Hels on the birth of Tom and to Nath aka StevieNixed whose delivery of Ophelia has barely taken her out of her posting stride. Supermums are clearly closer than you think.

Slowly recovering from Ben and Jenni's leaving party at the weekend (other bloggers in attendance included Phill; Kate from StrangeTime; a lascivious Prykemeister; Paul and his long-suffering wife Lisa). Alison (who regular readers might possibly remember from my Magic Numbers review last year) was also there to advise your correspondent what he'd missed at the Belle & Sebastian concert earlier in the week (Doofus Wainwright here had lost his ticket). 'Twas all good fun, and we wish Ben and Jenni all the best down in deepest Cardiff, let's hope the place doesn't give them too many nightmares!

Not sure about the late lamented Chris Penn but The Strokes were certainly still skinny when Dead Kenny first started these blogging shenanigans five years ago, but we don't forget those that helped us along in the beginning so congratulations are due to Steve Garfield on being formally made a Blog of Note over at Blogger.

Finally, for now, Summer Sundae tickets go on sale this Wednesday (Feb 1), and by buying early (ie. by end of March) you get £10 off the ticket price. With no Glasto this year, and increasing word-of-mouth for this splendid event (30 real ales in addition to 70 cool bands, all this and fitted toilets, too!) there's a chance this will sell out quickly, so fast action recommended.

OK, that's us done. Seeing as procreation is the new procrastination, we're off to make some babies then maybe we'll think about updating again. Other superior weblogs are available.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tag - you're it!

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or rather...
You're it!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Dead Kenny said...


Any excuse to touch me up, eh Robyn?

9:39 PM  

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