Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Brighton The Corners

In Graybo's continuing absence (performing a one-man homage to the Brad Pitt character in True Romance?) I thought I'd give some news updates for those regular readers we share who may be missing out on their regular diet of West Sussex newsbytes. And a busy week it's been with Radio 1's One Live roadshow steamrolling into Brighton, highlight so far being the Stephen Malkmus show heard on last night's John Peel programme (another chance to listen available in RealAudio from here). Parallax View felt a little disappointed with the lack of quality choonage on the last Malkmus album, but still likes the cut of the ex-Pavement man's jib. During last night's show he accused Brighton of being full of French people, before conceding he'd just made that up off the top off his head. Tut tut Steve, you'd never catch PV doing anything like that.

Meanwhile, on the soccer front, Graybo's favourites Brighton & Hove Albion have (rather carelessly, I feel) ignored my advice about Torquay boss Leroy Rosenior and given the vacant managerial job to Mark McGhee. Explaining his decision on last night's TalkSport Brighton chairman Dick Knight (a pseudonym taken from a gay porn video?) said he wanted McGhee for his 'gravitas'. Not quite sure what he's getting at there, but judging on recent sightings of the McGhee girth maybe he's just saying he fancied a big fat bastard in charge.

Furthermore, what would Graybo have had say about all these alleged illegal workers arrested at horticultural companies in West Sussex? Hmm?

I'm sure we'd also have had some comments on IDS being told to FO by the Tory MPs over at grayblog. PV tries to avoid discussing party politics for a multitude of reasons but can't help feeling Duncan Smith was doomed from the moment his appointment was completely overshadowed by the 9/11 aftermath. The decision to appoint such an inexperienced person to party leader was as extraordinary as today's (arguably undemocratic) decision to oust him before having the chance to take the party to General Election. The fact that most people have only started paying attention to IDS during his final hours in charge, and many have been impressed with his dignity, stoicism and good humour during this difficult time, says much about how his lack of media coverage has contributed to his downfall. Interesting that in his farewell speech he emphasised his commitment to tackling poverty from the backbenches: rhetoric maybe, but the sort of rhetoric largely absent these days from those quarters where we might traditionally expect it.


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