Nick Cave: I lost my innocence with Johnny Cash. Excuse my irreverence at this sad time, but this quote brings to mind that ancient schoolyard joke about change for the condom machine...
Saturday, September 13, 2003
About the site
First up, Parallax View is a personal site, and the views expressed herein (unless stated otherwise) solely belong to the webmaster (see below) and do not represent the views of past, present or future employers, or that of the web hosting company.
This site shares nothing but its title with the 1974 paranoid thriller The Parallax View. This is NOT the official site for that film and the views expressed herein do not represent the views of Warren Beatty or anyone involved in producing the film. Neither does this site have any connection with the electronic group The Parallax Corporation.
What Parallax View is:
It's a weblog, updated invariably daily, with links and references to music; film; pop culture; pub culture; football (or soccer, if you will); sports; TV/Radio; modern art; sex and gossip. Preferably, all of them at the same time.
That list isn't exclusive though. This is a personal site, so I reserve the right to talk shit about anything/everything I want. Just try stop me.
This page refers on an occasional basis to adult material, and contains some use of strong language. I don't set out to offend but if you don't like it, I won't be offended if you don't come back.
About the boy
Although this is a personal site, the point of the project isn't me, it's to refer you to sites/stories/pictures/games etc. of interest. Occasionally, there will be references to my private life but this isn't a diary page. I can't stop you making assumptions about me based on the content of this page, as long as you don't mistake those assumptions for anything remotely resembling fact.
Parallax View is the work of a shadowy, mysterious character by the name of Dead Kenny. That's me. Am I really dead? Take a guess. Why use a pseudonym? I have my reasons. Let's just say that using a doppelganger allows me optimum flexibility in expressing myself.
If you need more info direct questioning usually works.
Johnnys Rotting A bad day if your name is John i...
One of the best reasons for buying The Sun in rece...
It was between 9 and 10pm on Wednesday, when I saw...
I'm clearly still not well. This can be the only e...
Ugh. Suffering from severely swollen glands (stead...
Now, let me see. Anthony Hopkins as a smooth and m...
Some predictable but nonetheless sad news in today...
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Critics are predict...
Piss Easy Never let it be said that the young wom...
Las Catch-Up Willem Dafoe, Cate Blanchett and hip...
First up, Parallax View is a personal site, and the views expressed herein (unless stated otherwise) solely belong to the webmaster (see below) and do not represent the views of past, present or future employers, or that of the web hosting company.
This site shares nothing but its title with the 1974 paranoid thriller The Parallax View. This is NOT the official site for that film and the views expressed herein do not represent the views of Warren Beatty or anyone involved in producing the film. Neither does this site have any connection with the electronic group The Parallax Corporation.
What Parallax View is:
It's a weblog, updated invariably daily, with links and references to music; film; pop culture; pub culture; football (or soccer, if you will); sports; TV/Radio; modern art; sex and gossip. Preferably, all of them at the same time.
That list isn't exclusive though. This is a personal site, so I reserve the right to talk shit about anything/everything I want. Just try stop me.
This page refers on an occasional basis to adult material, and contains some use of strong language. I don't set out to offend but if you don't like it, I won't be offended if you don't come back.
About the boy
Although this is a personal site, the point of the project isn't me, it's to refer you to sites/stories/pictures/games etc. of interest. Occasionally, there will be references to my private life but this isn't a diary page. I can't stop you making assumptions about me based on the content of this page, as long as you don't mistake those assumptions for anything remotely resembling fact.
Parallax View is the work of a shadowy, mysterious character by the name of Dead Kenny. That's me. Am I really dead? Take a guess. Why use a pseudonym? I have my reasons. Let's just say that using a doppelganger allows me optimum flexibility in expressing myself.
If you need more info direct questioning usually works.
Recently on Parallax View:
Johnnys Rotting A bad day if your name is John i...
One of the best reasons for buying The Sun in rece...
It was between 9 and 10pm on Wednesday, when I saw...
I'm clearly still not well. This can be the only e...
Ugh. Suffering from severely swollen glands (stead...
Now, let me see. Anthony Hopkins as a smooth and m...
Some predictable but nonetheless sad news in today...
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Critics are predict...
Piss Easy Never let it be said that the young wom...
Las Catch-Up Willem Dafoe, Cate Blanchett and hip...
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