Monday, July 28, 2003

Sorry if Saturday's post confused people but I wasn't in Stockholm last weekend, although after some aggressive flirting and nuclear-strength shit-stirring there's probably a few people who wished I was. It's come to my attention that many young professionals turn to Bolivia's finest powder to give them the belief they're gods gift to the opposite sex and the ability to babble nonsense for hours on end. What a waste of money. I find beer alone perfectly sufficient for this purpose.

Still, another classic line was added to my growing repertoire - has anyone ever told you that you look like Nush from Big Brother 4? Although my hubris was slightly deflated by the reply - yeah, quite a lot, actually. Tsk. I wanted to be first. And I never did get to see her yoga moves...

Talking of Big Brother 4 it appears that (surprise, surprise) it wasn't that the producers were 'too nice' to show any nudity - they were simply storing it up for the DVD release (link not safe for work). It'll set you back £19.99 (duvet optional) for the pleasure of glimpsing Steph in the nude and a 'detailed' look at her pixie-night snog with Nush...


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