While You're Here
Five Reasons To Be Cheerful If You're A West Ham Fan.
Summer Sundae wins Best Small Festival Of The Year award.
tbc's song for Kylie.
The Glove On The Railing (via popbitch).
Spoiler-free review of David Lynch's Inland Empire.
Twenty Major gets serious on road safety.
Pete Ashton's Walsall Illuminations flickrstream.
Fluxblog hosts mp3 of Tanya Donelly's Parallax Jukebox favourite New England.
Still bored? Random MySpace profile: Helen, 29, 'I'm not the hero I could be, but I'm not the dog I was'.
Five Reasons To Be Cheerful If You're A West Ham Fan.
Summer Sundae wins Best Small Festival Of The Year award.
tbc's song for Kylie.
The Glove On The Railing (via popbitch).
Spoiler-free review of David Lynch's Inland Empire.
Twenty Major gets serious on road safety.
Pete Ashton's Walsall Illuminations flickrstream.
Fluxblog hosts mp3 of Tanya Donelly's Parallax Jukebox favourite New England.
Still bored? Random MySpace profile: Helen, 29, 'I'm not the hero I could be, but I'm not the dog I was'.
I hate Walsall Illuminations!!!!!
There's downloadable documentaries about this and last year's Summer Sundaes at http://www.lineout.org/index.cfm?page=CanTV I'm guessing they couldn't arrange appropriate times with a lot of this year's acts.
Cheers for the tip, Simon, I'll check those out over the weekend, hopefully.
Phill, I think we need to hear some more about your deep-seated hatred of your local neighbourhood lightshow. Did a girl once break your heart under their unforgiving neon glare? Or is it just that they set off your migraines?
My annual trip to Walsall Lights is usually the happiest moment of the year for me. I love 'em.
And there you have it, dear reader, a veritable spectrum of reactions towards those Walsall Illuminations.
Anyone want to come on hear, shrug their virtual shoulders and say 'Walsall Lights, I can take 'em or leave 'em, me!'?
I meant here, obviously (in that pedantic way commenters have of pointing out their own obvious spelling mistakes/typos in a manner that suggests you wouldn't have noticed unless they had).
Our brand new voice-activated software is clearly playing pu.
I didn't know that there were any Walsall lights, so my visit to this page has been a valuable learning experience.
Also, thanks for the link. I love links.
Yeah, Mikey, you can consider yourself 'enlightened' by your Parallax View-ing experience!
We love linking btw, so it's all good. And your blog does seem genuinely different, which is becoming increasingly difficult for folk to achieve.
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