Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hacked Off

Just consider this as Dead Kenny clearing his throat, or at the very least emptying his favourites folder -

Dave Allen RIP. When Dead Kenny was very young, he had an irrational fear of Mr Allen, self-styled 'grumpy old fuck with a sense of humour', but as Kenny got older and grumpier himself, he recognised a kindred spirit. One gag in particular sticks in the memory: of a parent pointing to things through the car window on a journey and giving them childish sing-song names for the youngster to mimic, then a year later on a similar journey giving that child a great whack on the head for using the same terms. Not especially funny, perhaps (particularly in the Parallax View paraphrasal) but it struck Dead Kenny as being true to life on so many levels.

Julia Stiles is Going Down for director Mike Figgis, playing a young woman paying her way through college with a little light prostitution. Sounds quaintly like a 60s Godard set-up to me: surely in 2005 she'd go on a reality show instead?

Norwegian pop star Annie is just about the only person (other than Dead Kenny, natch) who can look drop-dead sexy in a parka, and she also does a pretty good job of guiding a Guardian hack through the minefield of cultural stereotypes about her home country.

Dead Kenny knows he's going against the pop-cult blogging grain by insisting that the new QOTSA single is unforgivably dreadful, from its shoddy lyrics to that really offensively banal video. If you (really) must lose your head to unreconstructed rock, then might he suggest sampling Louis XIV (official site contains NSFW imagery) instead?

Alternatively, you could admire these Red Nails described as 'the sound of Electrelane being fucked by Pavement' (now that's something we'd like to see via T-Mobile) by a certain blogger who has requested anonymity. Kerb your language in future, o nameless one!

Somebody whose language we always like to mind can be found (with added comments!) at a new home in Stevie Nixed Mark 2! Dead Kenny loves Nath's woozy, sexy writing style, she's the blogging equivalent of a DJ who helps you get through the night.

For those of you who respond to more obvious stimuli however, these NSFW pics of Sheryl Crow getting changed in the cold will make you happy (link will work for ONE week only, stop complaining and visit here more often, damn you). Meanwhile, Radio 1 DJ Nemone is a Greek baring gifts for a webcam opportunity in support of Comic Relief (borderline SFW, a couple of crappy R1-playlisted CDs spare her blushes).

Next week on Parallax View: Mercury Rev/Duke Spirit gig review! Book review compendium! A new Single Of The Week! Or alternatively, none of these and some even more indulgent and pointless nonsense instead!


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