Monday, June 10, 2002

I'm back, I'm back (it's good to be back)

Morning, readers. Parallax View resumes normal(ish) service as of today. My period of blogging inactivity partially explained by spending a weekend in Amsterdam. What? You want details? Well, this isn't that kind of page, like I've told you before. Besides which, what goes on tour stays on tour, as the saying goes.

Returned yesterday afternoon to find 66 missed calls on my mobile phone. 66? Either there was a crisis at work or I've got myself a stalker. Knew I shouldn't have given my number to that curvy lingerie model from the Phillipines (just kidding, boss). I couldn't possibly be popular, could I?

Anyway, just in case the latter is true, another reminder that as of today my e-mail address will not work, please address all online correspondence to Thank you.


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