Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Cannabis laws are being eased in the UK but the maximum prison sentence for dealing is to be increased. Not everybody is in agreement with this, but not all for the usual reasons. For instance, Deborah Orr in The Independent argues that this will prompt 'moral' dealers who up to now have only sold soft drugs to known contacts, to either give up or move into hard drugs where the 'draconian' punishments are at least offset by greater profits.

Meanwhile, in today's NME, Wayne Coyne from The Flaming Lips reminisces about his delinquent dealing days - 'Even when I was 16 and sold pot to make money...I knew I could do it until I was 18 and if I got caught I could say I was sorry and I'd found the Lord and get away with it. I was working in a restaurant, it was just a way of making 500 dollars a week as opposed to 85...[he laughs] hey, I still recommend it for people! Don't go on the dole! Sell drugs!'

Legal disclaimer: The views expressed are those of Ms. Orr and Mr. Coyne respectively and are presented to stimulate debate rather than reflecting the personal views of Parallax View.


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