Gag Reel
Many people consider Chuck Palahniuk's Choke to be the weakest of his breakneck satires, although your contrary correspondent considers the opposite to be true. The forthcoming film adaptation may give both viewpoints food for thought when it's released Stateside late September, but meanwhile decide for yourselves if the borderline-work-safe trailer goes down a treat.
Many people consider Chuck Palahniuk's Choke to be the weakest of his breakneck satires, although your contrary correspondent considers the opposite to be true. The forthcoming film adaptation may give both viewpoints food for thought when it's released Stateside late September, but meanwhile decide for yourselves if the borderline-work-safe trailer goes down a treat.
Labels: forthcoming attractions, sacreligiosity, youtube embeds
Chuck Pahlaniuk. Isn't he dead yet? (Says the bitter ex-fan.)
Hehe. Noooooo, he's still alive, but I'll wait on reading his latest 'Rant' before deciding if he's still kickin'...
I sort of gave up on him halfway through Haunted. Diary wasn't exactly awesome and there IS a limit to how many times one is allowed to write the same book... (Mark Z. Danielewski, I am looking at you.)
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