Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dog's Bollocks

"People are buying this album not because of any media hype, but because it's had great reviews and they can't wait to hear it."

Our favourite worst nightmare is reading ubiquitous record shop spokesperson doubletalk, as HMV's Gennaro Castaldo really nails down the Arctic Monkeys phenomenon. It's not media hype, no sir, it's just lots of press people talking it up so much people feel a need to hear it - thanks for clearing that up with your inside Gen, Mr C!



Blogger Ben said...

Castaldo must be one of the most often quoted music "experts" in the country - but who the hell is he?

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Email him and ask him what he actually does

He comments on as many things as possible to promote HMV!

4:09 PM  

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