Sunday, July 28, 2002

Well, tonight I went to see Goldmember the third in the series of Austin Powers movies. I don't think there's anything clever or subtle about what Mike Myers does with this movie, which is basically shove as many double-entendres and slapstick scenes at the screen and see what sticks, but that's not to say the film isn't entertaining or funny, which it is.

As somebody who never laughs harder than at other people's misfortunes, the slapstick scenes at the expense of Mini-Me had me 'rolling in the aisles', while leaving others cold. The film is without doubt a hit-and-miss affair, and when certain scenes don't work (such as the subtitle gags) it can be pretty embarrassing. But if you find smutty innuendos and visual gags amusing I think you'll consider this worth the price of a ticket. I would avoid the company though of anyone who's likely to spoil the surprises by giving you details of the many guest-star cameos that punctuate the running time.

Although I will add that Britney Spears gives great head in this movie. No, seriously.


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