Thursday, July 25, 2002

Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that (with two brief exceptions yesterday) I've been staying a bit quiet about Big Brother 3 of late. In truth, I have lost a bit of interest recently, everything seeming a bit of an emotional anti-climax after the deserved departure of the detestable Adele.

And now, tomorrow, comes the finale. I can't get overly excited about who wins, as long as it's not Alex who I feel has been selfish, divisive and manipulative throughout. In other words, a real diva, as you might expect from a model. I guess my preference would be for Jonny to win, as he seems the most genuine, and is a bit of a perve when he's drunk, always trying to get the girls naked, and this should always be encouraged. But there seems little chance of Jonny winning now, so the safest anti-Alex bet appears to be Kate. So erm...go Kate.

And now I'll need to find something else to do at 10pm each night. The pub, anyone?

Related link: Big Brother UK Fans' Live Journal.


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