Monday, July 01, 2002

And so anyway I was having a mini-tiff with someone last night about the fact that I'd changed my email address without telling them, and I replied to the effect that I'd mentioned it at least twice already on this site, and one of the reasons I run this site is to avoid the necessity for mailing people individually with my personal trivia. And she replied she didn't visit this site that often anymore because I was always banging on about Big Brother! The cheek. I think the exact phrase you were looking for was cutting edge media analysis, madam.

So one can only assume you're not interested in the return of the unofficial but frankly flipping essential Big Bro 3 site amidst muttered rumours of skullduggery being the cause of their recent technical outage? Even if the messageboards still seem to be having gremlins...

Still, no more Big Brother links today, but I will be having my say with regards to this week's nominations when they're announced tomorrow. Now all be good children and pray tonight for Jade and Tim to be nominated, and a complete 50/50 split of the audience vote so the both of them can get booted out simultaneously this Friday.


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