Thursday, July 18, 2002

Tiffany Limos: My boobs are like gigantic; they’re like under my chin."In my other films, I show full frontal female nudity, and you can still get an R rating," he said. "But as soon as you have full frontal male nudity, forget it. You’re never going to get the film shown widely, and you’re not going get a rating. And women I know have said, ‘You know, that’s sexist—we want to see penises. You show women naked, why can’t you show men?’ And they have a point. So in this movie, I’m showing everything. For every vagina, there’s a penis."

Looks like Kids director Larry Clark is is set to cause controversy again with his latest release Ken Park due for release this autumn. Tiffany ('I'm 22 [but] people think I'm 14') Limos (pictured left) stars as Peaches, and is said to be dating her director. Larry Clark is 59. (link via Supermodels Are Lonelier Than You Think)


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