Sunday, April 14, 2002

Sorry for the lack of updates today. Been feeling woozy, bloated and nauseous all day. Nothing unusual there, you might think, but I haven't had a drop of liquor all weekend. And oh, did I forget to mention my hacking cough?

And yes I know I was only moaning about having a bug last week and you're probably thinking what a sickly child I am, but really, when you think about it, I'm pretty chipper for a dead fella, no?

Anyway, to keep yourself occupied, you could always read up on this on-set report from Paul Schrader's new movie Auto-Focus which is a biopic of Bob Crane (link not safe for work), the star of 60s sitcom Hogan's Heroes who apparently led a double life as an amateur pornographer before his mysterious murder in a hotel room at the age of 60. The set report includes brief interviews with director Schrader and the film's star Greg Kinnear.

And if you're still hungry for movie poop you could have a read about the meeting between Pulp Fiction collaborators Roger Avary and Quentin Tarantino for the first time in six full years. Giving his reasons on why so long, Avary says 'I love Quentin like a brother. I've never stopped being his friend, nor he mine. But when your ideas are your intellectual property -- and your source of income -- and you're with a guy who considers anything that floats out of your mouth and into the air to be public domain, it's best to limit your relationship to Christmas and birthday gifts.'

Up for more film flannel? Then there's always the news that David Cronenberg will follow up Spider with a movie called Painkillers, which is loosely based on the life and work of Orlan, an unusual woman who uses her various plastic surgery operations as some form of perverse performance art. Read her manifesto here. Nicolas Cage was once rumoured to be attached to the project but I have since read this discredited. Whatever. What I have read somewhere this week though is that Cage hasn't completely written off his hopes of setting up the Ghost Rider movie, but the project is on hold awaiting financial backing. I would have thought that if the upcoming Spiderman, Daredevil and Incredible Hulk movies are successful, that shouldn't prove too much of a problem.


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