Saturday, April 20, 2002

Boyd: One for sorrow?If you've been tuning into Talk Sport the last few Saturday nights to catch the Tommy Boyd show you'll have noticed his unexplained absence at his normal 8pm slot. The former Magpie presenter and, more recently, wrestling promoter Boyd isn't ill or on holiday but has in fact been sacked along with the whole of his production team for failing to cut off in time a caller who said he wanted the whole of the Royal Family shot on the same day that the Queen Mother's death was announced. There's an audio clip of this call here. If you feel Boyd was harshly done by, or if you're just sick to the gills of media organisations pandering to royalists (a grand total of 1 person complained) then you can sign an online petition here.

Related link: The Geoff Peters Show a fansite of another former Talk Sport presenter.


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